Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day Seven - New Jersey to Pennsylvania

July 24, 2013

On the road this morning at 5:45 am.  We did get to bed earlier last night though, so I feel better today.  No nappy right now, maybe later. :o)
We drove by this sign, Lake Hiawatha.  Reminded me of the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"  I don't know why, but it did.  I feel like the sisterhood of the traveling teacher.
Up here in the New Jersey/New York area there are always US flags on the overpasses.  Still got that patriotic spirit that sprouted up everywhere after "911."
Check this mess out that we have to drive through.  New Jersey wasn't made for big trucks.  The roads that we had to travel down to get to the location were so small and hilly.  We had one street that was uphill and had a light at the top.  Needless to say, with 40,000 pounds on our trailer we stalled when it turned green.  One of the other Melton trucks did the same.  Geeze-Louise.  Paul says "now you know why I hate driving in the North East." 
Welcome to Hayden Corp.
New Jersey

We arrived at Hayden Corp to drop the steel coils.  There were four Melton trucks there, including our buddy from yesterday; Harry.  He is a nice guy and a real talker.  The other guy we talked to was Robert and he was from Durham, NC.  Whooo-Who someone from the south.  I helped him roll one of his tarps up.  You know how teachers are, we like to help everyone out and we can't just stand there and do nothing.  At least I didn't get out my sharpies and autograph is shirt.
Here is a shot of one of our gigantic tarps that we roll and unroll daily.  It gets unrolled on top of the load.  When we take it off we just pull it to one side and then fold, and fold, and roll.  Paul is awesome!
Here is our load ready to be delivered!
Here is the warehouse that Paul backed into.  Not much breathing room.  It just amazes me how these truckers get these big rigs in such tight quarters.
We unloaded and sat for about 2 hours waiting for another assignment.  I tried to nap a little and texted back and forth to my buddy, Arlene.  I decided to work in my crossword book and then we got the message to move.   My husband is a kook!  I told him his tongue looked like a Sea Cucumber in this picture. Yucky - But pretty funny if you know Paul.  You get a little punchy after a while.
 Our assignment is to pick up a load in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and take it to Georgia.
Then we are going Birmingham, Alabama the next day.
Heading out I saw this sign and thought of the horse race.  I took a picture of it because, well I don't know why, but here it is.
Sitting at a light I saw this guy walking to a job site.  He is a member of a steel workers union.  Only heard of them in the movies, so I thought it would be cool to take a picture.  So I did, can you tell I started to get a bit goofy with my pictures. 
Heading back through the mountains in Pennsylvania and through the Delaware Water Gap.  I snapped a picture of the post card I bought to send.  It is a great picture from the air.  Totally cool!
Another shot of the mountains we go through.  It is very pretty up here.

  Can't wait to get to Lancaster.  Maybe I will get some Amish pictures for you.
I love you!
That's for my sweet Liam and Reilly. 
 I miss them, so give them a big kiss for me Mommy and Auntie Holly.
Got these pictures this morning from Katy of the kids and precious Reilly.

Just cruising along the same road we were on yesterday, so I probably won't put too many pictures of it up.  But here is a cool shot coming down a mountain into a valley town.  Don't know if you can see it well, but it was an awesome sight.

There are lot of beautiful farms when you get closer to Lancaster, PA

Now this picture shows just how dangerous it is driving a tractor trailer.  This guy was probably taking the exit too fast.  This had just happened as we approached it.  There were people running over to help him.  I said a quick prayer that the driver was okay.
We are getting close to our pick up location on Manheim Pike.
 Welcome to Alcoa Mill Products
Lancaster, PA

Well today was one looooooong day!  We arrived at 3:15 and had to wait to be loaded.  We sat, and sat, and sat until about 6:00 pm.  Booo!  Crazy system they have here, plus there are massive trucks all waiting to be loaded too.  When we final got into a bay - a tight bay, I might add. ...

We had to wait for them to bring the steel coils over to our trailer.
We suited up in our gear with that ever popular glow in the dark vest.  We even got  some clear safety glasses.  The highlight of my day (well not really)

We got loaded, strapped the load, and tarped it.  Now this is about 8:00 pm when we finally finish.  We get on the scales and they check our weight.  We weigh 78,400 pounds. But there is a problem, our load isn't balanced.  So now we have to pull back over, we have to untarp and unstrap part of the load so they can shift some of it forward.  Oh My Gosh!  I am really tired by now and very hungry!  But it has to be done.  So we wait and wait.  They shift the load and we get back on the scale.  We are balanced this time.  Amen! 
By this time, we have run out of duty hours so we have to spend the night on the job site.  We are both filthy and need a shower.  But guess what, it is going to be a baby wipe bath night.  We crawl into bed about 10:00 pm just completely wiped out.
One last note, no Amish pictures... boo hoo.  We were in the industrial area of Lancaster.
Good Night
Isaiah 30:15

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength."

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