Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day Four - Driving to Ohio

July 21, 2013

(10:30 am) After starting the day with two bald tires on the trailer that we picked up at SABA, we are finally on the road.  The TA truck center replaced them in about an hour and we were all set. (That is one of the reasons that Paul has so many checks to do on his truck and trailer.) 

I slept pretty good.  Still woke up throughout the night, but I do that at home.  And guess what? I put on make up this morning.  I feel like a woman again.  Now I won't be hiding my face whenever we stop.  Paul just tells me that he thinks I am beautiful with or without makeup. 
He says "I like my wife."
 I am singing country songs to him.  Yeee-Haw!
We once again we are driving and driving and driving.
The best part is being with Paul.
 So we are driving to the other side of PA to Ohio and then we will drive to the other side OH to Michigan.  Then we will drive to the top of Michigan near Canada to drop our load. 
There are some nice mountain views in Pennsylvania. It is nice to look at the pretty countryside.

We even drove through a couple of mountains

 Here are some more shots of the country side.  We are seeing a lot of beautiful sights.  Unfortunately, we are already past them when I get the darn camera up and running.

 Welcome to Ohio!
We are in Ohio now! (3:30 pm) Another tractor trailer pulled right in front of the sign as I was going to snap the picture.  Geeze, those truckers!  Any way, we stopped at a rest stop and my sweet Paul got me this booklet and I took a picture of it. :o)
I contacted my brother Mark in Hamilton, OH to see if he lived near our location.  He is south and we are going to be far north.  I told him I would wave as we passed by.  He said he would wave back. 
We are actually traveling across the top of Ohio on I-80.  This will bring us right up into Michigan.  We have to be at the delivery location by 8 am on Monday.  If we keep driving all afternoon, we should arrive today.  I get to eat at the restaurant at the truck stop tonight.  Even though eating on the road isn't too bad, it is nice to sit down and stretch out.
I am dropping some post cards in the mail to some of my favorite little people...
Liam, Maci & Ian and AJ.  Be on the lookout guys.  I will try to send some more.
Ohio has some pretty countryside.  I snapped some pictures as we whizzed by.

This is one curvy road.

A neat looking bridge to our right.  

Lots of Water Towers ... You will see a few more pictures below.

I love these farms on the side of the road.

Oh, Holy Toledo! 
 That's for my buddy Mollie who says that a lot.  We are almost to Michigan.

We had to stop for fuel right outside of Michigan in Ohio.  Here is Paul pumping gas.  What till you see how much it cost.

Here I am cleaning the front windshield.  After we got back in, it didn't look as good as I thought.  Kind of smudgy, but it was a pretty far reach. 
And the wiper thingy was defective.
Yeah, it wasn't my fault ....

Now aren't you glad that you don't have to pay for this much gas in one shot!
Holy Toledo! 

Well here are some pictures of Toledo off in the distance.

 Passing through Toledo, I got a nice shot here of this overpass.

There are churches everywhere.  I love these old buildings.

An old smoke stack from who knows when.  It had Overland written down the side of it. I might research that one later too.

Some more factory smoke stacks.

I thought this building looked like a big block.  It didn't have any windows.

We are here!  Whooo-Hoo
Welcome to Michigan
Water towers are everywhere up here.

Look out Detroit, here we come!

Look it's a FORD building.
I hear that stands for "Found On Road Dead"
Is that true?

The Detroit Pistons lost their basketball.  It's on the side of the road, but boy is it ever big!

Starting to see some of Detroit.

It is kind of a sad, lonely looking place.

This picture was of an abandoned high rise, notice the graffiti down the side of it. 
Now how in the world did they do that? 

Some more pretty churches are here.  The City of Detroit just filed bankruptcy.  
They need a revival, so keep them in your prayers. 

Lots of graffiti on so many buildings.  It is a very deserted town. 

Well we are through Detroit and not too far from our destination of Marysville, MI.  We are not too far from Canada either.  Maybe tomorrow we will be able to see the border.
Here are a couple of pretty pictures of the sky at dusk.   

Kind of neat to think that we are all looking at the same moon.  It really was pretty, I just couldn't get a clear picture as we went by. 

We are stopped at a truck stop for the night.  It is 11:00 as I type this and Paul is already asleep.  He is really tired.  Driving and being on Duty for 14 hours has warn him out.  I enjoyed the day and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings our way.  We never did stop for dinner.  We just ate in the truck again.  I had a half of a sandwich from earlier in the day.  Paul had some chicken strips in the microwave.  He said he may wake me up later "clucking" since he ate so many.
Good Night!
Psalm 139:9-10
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me; your right hand will hold me fast.

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