Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day One - Virginia

July 18, 2013

Well we sat at the "Lumber Mill" in Crystal Hill, VA for about a 1/2 hour while they loaded up Paul's trailer.  A really cool process.  We pulled into the warehouse, they forklifted the load.  We pulled forward to a tarping machine.  Paul usually has to tarp his load himself. He provided the tarps and they raised them up and set them on his load.  Apparently, this company wants to make sure the tarps are on the load before it leaves the warehouse.  Then we pulled through and Paul began the process of strapping the tarp down and then adding securing straps to hold the whole thing in place.  With his load on board, we weighed 79,500 pounds.  Wow!  He spent 1 1/2 hours working on this.  He was literally soaked to the bone when he finished.  I was amazed at the process to get the truck ready to go to it's destination for delivery.


Here are some pictures of my home away from home for the next couple of weeks.



Another Melton Truck was at our pick up location in Crystal Hill, so I took a picture of it.


We rode for a while through the country.  Here is a picture of a cool old bridge I snapped as we went by.

We stopped at a TA for some water and gasoline.  So many trucks were there.  We went in to the center where we have to pay for gas and Paul got some cash.  He then turns and hands me the money and says okay, lets go.  Needless to say, I wondered if the people there thought I was a "lot lizard" getting paid.  Paul said "now, why would you think that" and I said "well don't hookers frequent truck stops?"  He just laughed and said I guess you are right, but I was probably the only person who thought I was one of them. Silly, the things that run through my head sometimes. 

We drove and drove and drove and drove..... No time to stop and eat.  I had a wonderful dinner of homemade pasta salad with veggies from my garden in a baggie and an Atkins bar.  Maybe I will lose some of this weight I put on during the school year raiding the candy jar that is supposed to be for the kids. lol

We went through DC and there of course was traffic as it seems they are ALWAYS working on the roads, but at least it was 10:30 at night so it could have been worse.

Looks like we may almost make it to our destination in Delaware tonight  It is 11:36 now.  I'm going to sign off then as we should be there in about 40 minutes.

Good Night

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